Age limit on Google+ users, effecting business?

The new internet networking site Google+ limits the age of users under the age of thirteen, the question is raised, is this banned bracket of youngsters effecting the future of Google+?

Google users are in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and people under the age of 13 need parental permission to become a member, a long and annoying process… Just like Google, Google+ follow the same rules.

Aljazeera posted back in July that an underage user in the Netherlands was deleted off Gmail according to regulations, father of the boy blogged that the boys account had 29 days until the account was to be deleted, but had not responded.

Services provided by Google including Gmail and Google+ (obviously) all follow the same guidelines, but why should all streams be connected together? Google+ is about social networking and sites like Facebook and Twitter do not have a age limit.

Google+ may be playing with fire here; kids these days are a social networking generation getting younger and younger. If Google are banning youth, all they are going to do is go to other networking sites, sites with no bans like Facebook, and once you scar a kid, they never forget or forgive.

Source: COMU

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