I really like Google+. It’s a refreshing alternative to Facebook and it provides a very “twitter-like” experience too. Unfortunately, my profile URL is not something that is easy to remember or in any way useful if I want to direct people to my little corner. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for a good URL shortener to come along, allowing me to create a more useful URL to share with people. Simply head to
http://www.gplus.to/ and paste the long string of numbers in the address bar of your profile page into the box on the right. Give yourself a nickname – such as the one you use on Twitter or your usual gaming handle and type that into the left hand box. Voila, you have a handy new URL to share with your Twitter followers, Steam friends, business chums etc. Mine is
www.gplus.to/gavomatic57 should you fancy stopping by.
Posted in: G+,Google+,Tips,Tricks