Earlier social networks is just meant for reconnecting with family and old friends and using these services do have their positive impact but misusing or over sharing on the social networks is like digging your own grave. The things used to a limit which doesn’t have any negative impact will be permitted to any extent but the excessive usage of social networks impact your own personal lives which ranges from losing your job, psychological disorders, getting cheated and so on.
It is always advisable to use these networks in professional manner and one should follow the mentioned etiquettes for their own personal privacy.
Never share pictures which shows sexual explicitness, offensive activities, alcohol abusing, immature pictures as employers may check your social profiles when you apply for a job or chances are high for losing your current job because of these pictures.
Profile pictures you select should be like the pictures you love to display on your work desk (no one will love to display pictures of their get-together at the beach at their office desk), just treat these social networks as your online space to display your desks.
Don’t update all your daily activities as your social status. Sharing each and every activities like daily activities, special events, upcoming vacation plans is not advisable on public spaces as they pose high risk on your private life.
Never post hurtful or abusive statements on your wall as you might hurt your friends or co-workers feelings with your statements (Agree to the fact that not everyone in this world will love SpiderMan or Rebecca Black).
It is always advisable to catch up with your friends and family with some personalized messages as they will help you in managing your personal relationships (remember disclosing your personal things may affect your personal relations).
Add friends selectively as adding up strangers to your profile will degrade the quality of your network, remember the fact that it is not about figures. Create your space with those special limited set of people whom you think that you know each other.
It is better to contact your friend personally with personalized message or instant messaging as it always ensures your privacy and allows you to speak up your heart.
Remember social networks are not just about your friends & family, you can better your career by communicating and keeping in touch with your current and ex-fellow workers.
Don’t use too many of apps which creates status about your “daily love percentage“, “astrology of the day”, “fate of the day”, “friend of the day” as the chances of people thinking you are a spammer are high, Please be aware that Facebook is know for itsScam Apps.
Last but not the least make sure your privacy settings will not allow strangers to access your personal information, pictures and even your updates, It is always safe to just allow your friends to access your information (of course you are here for personal networking).
Source: Infogenra